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Here you can find a list of all releases and release notes starting from Turris OS 4.0. Those releases are made from combination of turris-build repository and various repositories with additional packages like turris-os-packages. In our repositories, all releases are tagged and you can read specific git commit hashes the release is built from.

Turris OS 7.1⚓︎

Turris OS 7.1 is based on the top of OpenWrt 22.03 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia and and Turris 1.x routers.

TOS 7.1 is the first version that uses nftables instead of iptables.

New features:

  • Switch to nftables
  • Major rework of reForis under the hood
  • Dark mode in reForis

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Turris OS 7.0⚓︎

Turris OS 7 is based on the top of OpenWrt 22.03 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia and and Turris 1.x routers.

In 7.0, we are still using iptables for the firewall while the upstream is moving towards nftables. We decided to stick with it to limit the amount of changes in the new release.

Apart from that, Turris OS 7.0 is the first one to use staging updates.

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Turris OS 6.5⚓︎

Turris OS 6.5 is based on top of OpenWrt 21.02 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia, Turris Shield, and Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • Option to update the firmware to the latest version
  • Support for new features in MCU firmware
  • Support for pref64 (RFC 8781)
  • Aggregated notifications and ignore list in Morce
  • OpenSSH upgraded to 9.6p1

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Turris OS 6.4⚓︎

Turris OS 6.4 is based on top of OpenWrt 21.02 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia, Turris Shield, and Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • Add support for Neoway N75-EA, Quectel EP06 and Sierra Wireless WP7607
  • Nextcloud now uses the upstream updating solution which automatically updates it to the last Nextcloud version

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Turris OS 6.3⚓︎

Turris OS 6.3 is based on top of OpenWrt 21.02 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia, Turris Shield, and Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • Syncthing and Transmission WebApps now use Turris Auth
  • LibreSpeed reForis plugin for measuring network speed replacing Netmetr

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Turris OS 6.2⚓︎

Turris OS 6.2 is based on top of OpenWrt 21.02 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia, Turris Shield, and Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • Redesigned WebApps
  • Syncthing integration

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Turris OS 6.1⚓︎

Turris OS 6.1 is based on top of OpenWrt 21.02 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia, Turris Shield, and Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • VLAN support for WAN interface in reForis
  • Credentials (username, password) support in OpenVPN reForis client
  • Nextcloud updated to 23.0.11 and uses PHP 8

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Turris OS 6.0⚓︎

Turris OS 6.0 is based on top of OpenWrt 21.02 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia, Turris Shield, and Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • Morce (integrated IDS)
  • Wi-Fi 6 cards supported
  • Turris Auth (login gateway)
  • Parental control (PaKon) now has a separate page
  • New LEDs driver for all routers
  • Dashboard in LuCI
  • NetMetr supports measurement with IPv6 address
  • Improved support for Turris 1.x routers
    • New Device Tree
    • PowerPC SPE utilized – should improve performance
    • Knot Resolver by default

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Turris OS 5.4⚓︎

Turris OS 5.4 is based on top of OpenWrt 19.07 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia, Turris Shield, and Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • Timezone in email notifications
  • Updated Nextcloud to version 21
  • Updated PHP to version 7.4

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Turris OS 5.3⚓︎

Turris OS 5.3 is based on top of OpenWrt 19.07 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia, Turris Shield, and Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • Sentinel improvements (the ability to control and see state of intrusion detection tools)
  • Foris and reForis start on demand

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Turris OS 5.2⚓︎

Turris OS 5.2 is based on top of OpenWrt 19.07 with our feed and a few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia and Turris Shield. There is also an experimental support for Turris 1.x routers.

New features:

  • reForis (configuration web interface) additions
    • Overview tab
    • Storage plugin with option for persistent system logs
    • Factory reset from web interface
    • Support for Honeypot as a Service (
    • Add option to change hostname in reForis
    • Fix DHCP range configuration check
    • A few design improvements
  • WebApps: New graphical design with optional dark mode
  • Sentinel: Introduce replacement for firewall logs collector
  • Turris MOX: Update firmware for SDIO card
  • Add RIPE Atlas SW probe and common passwords as package lists
  • Automatic installation of drivers for limited amount of LTE and DVB devices

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Turris OS 5.1⚓︎

Turris OS 5.1 is based on top of OpenWrt 19.07 with our feed and few patches. It supports Turris MOX, Turris Omnia and Turris Shield. There is also an experimental support for Turris 1.x routers.

This release contains new configuration frontend named reForis and several tabs in Foris were deprecated in favor of reForis. In reForis you can find more detailed package selection as well as basic integration of Turris Sentinel.

New features:

  • Introduced new data collection system Sentinel
  • reForis (future default web interface)
    • Now installed by default
    • Added NetMetr, OpenVPN client, and remote devices plugins
  • Package lists
    • Expanded with labels and additional options
    • Added option to select alternative WiFi drivers
  • Nextcloud updated to version 18

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Turris OS 5.0⚓︎

Turris OS 5 is based on top of OpenWrt 19.07 with our feed and few patches. It supports Turris MOX and Turris Omnia and there is an experimental support for Turris 1.x routers.

One important feature from Turris OS 3.x is still missing – possibility to configure honeypots and various aspects of security data collection from web ui. This is going to be added to the minor versions of Turris OS 5.x.

New features:

  • Added support for secondary IP addresses for DNS servers
  • Added possibility to add custom DNS forwarder
  • Added support for DVB tuners – Astrometa DVB-T2 and Xbox One
  • Redesigned Foris, which is being in development (opt-in)
  • Optional WPA3 support

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Turris OS 4⚓︎

Turris OS 4 is based on OpenWrt 18.06. It poses a huge milestone in terms of Turris OS development as it was used to test the feasibility of developing on top of moving upstream release with just our feed and few patches. Everything had to be rebuilt from scratch so it was a huge task to move away from our forked distribution and we took the opportunity to get rid of some of the skeletons in our closets.

First final release was 4.0 after long series of alphas betas and after long development and testing. Initially supported devices were only Turris MOX and Turris Omnia. It was missing some of the features that were in 3.X series, but on the other hand it contained some features never included in 3.X series.

Missing features:

  • samba4 not back-ported
  • cloud backups
  • ability to configure various honeypots and security data collection from web UI

New features:

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