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Contributing overview⚓︎

Do you want to help Turris project or do you have some fix or suggestion for Turris then this page is for you. There are various ways to help Turris development and Turris project in general. We look in to various areas here, feel free to go trough them and see if you can do something more.

The contributing possibilities here are sorted by requirements on user’s time and knowledge. Feel free to go trough them from start.

Enable Sentinel threat detection⚓︎

The easiest but very helpful way how you can help Turris project grow is to enable Sentinel threat detection services on your router. The core busyness of Turris is to discover new threats on Internet and that can’t be done without data provided by Turris users. This data feeds not only additional protections for your routers but also helps discover and put out threats on whole Internet.

Please see appropriate article for more info.

Report and debug problems⚓︎

One of most helpful ways to contribute is to report and debug problems you encounter. This means to not just wait if it fixes itself or if Turris team somehow finds out and fixes it. You can actively look in to problem yourself. There are people on forum who can help and you can report your problems by support channels.

Note that forum is good place to get help with debugging but is not an issue tracker. Don’t be afraid to fill in issue in any repository on our GitLab or with our upstream OpenWrt.


Read issue submitting guide before you start creating issues to know how to formulate them and where to create them exactly.

Test new releases early⚓︎

You can set your router to track HBT branch over default HBS. With HBT you are going to get next stable release few days or weeks early. If there is some problem then it can be discovered by you, reported and fixed without affecting all routers. The advantage is of course that you get new features early.

You can get more info on how to change branch in your router and in general how to test future releases of Turris OS in following article.

Help other users on forum⚓︎

Turris routers are devices that are appealing not only to advanced users but also to beginners and nobody is saying that advanced users do not need help sometimes as well. Our forum is a platform where users can ask other users for help and discuss various subjects regarding Turris routers. It is a nice feeling to help someone with their problem, try it.

You can find our forum on


Remember to be nice to others on forum. Please read common guidelines.

Write or improve article on wiki⚓︎

There is a community wiki available to all Turris users to share ideas and tips. You can find it on

Please read instructions for authors before you start writing and modifying articles.


Remember that wiki is open to anyone. If you see some error in wiki page then feel free to fix it. You just have to register and that is it. You don’t have to write new articles to help others trough wiki.

Translate web interface⚓︎

Turris base language is English and most of the Turris tools are not localized. The only exception is Foris/reForis web interface and LuCI.

You can help by translating strings from English to your native language (or any language you know). We use Weblate for that purpose.

Foris (old) and reForis (new) web interfaces can be translated in Weblate project Turris.

LuCI web interface can be translated in Weblate project OpenWrt.

Please read how to participate in translation before you start translating.

Submit code⚓︎

Turris declaration that We believe in open-source is not just empty statement, we really believe in open-source. You can modify code and submit it back. This is power of open-source. Together we can make Turris the best device there is.

Please read guide on how to submit pull request and Turris project coding style.


Don’t forget that Turris OS is based on OpenWrt. You can as well contribute to OpenWrt to help Turris, see below.

Contributing to OpenWrt⚓︎

Turris OS is based on OpenWrt. Many packages available in Turris OS are directly acquired from the upstream. If you want to help to fix bugs in OpenWrt packages or add new features please create issues or submit code to the upstream repository.

How to recognize OpenWrt packages⚓︎

From source code⚓︎

All packages built for Turris OS are maintained in the Turris OS packages project on our GitLab. Please use this directions to determine whether a package is developed by the Turris Team or by the upstream.

  1. Locate the package you want inside the repository tree.
  2. Look into the Makefile.
  3. Find PKG_MAINTAINER there and read its value.

If this value is CZ.NIC <> then this package is maitained by the Turris Team. Otherwise it is usually managed by the upstream.


There are some packages which are maintained by the same organization as Turris OS (CZ.NIC) but not by the Turris Team, e.g. knot-resolver. These packages may have slightly different processes than those in Turris OS but the most approaches are identical or very similar.

From installed packages⚓︎

If you are not familiar with source code you can acquire the maintainer from installed packages.

  1. Log into your device via SSH.
  2. Run cat /usr/lib/opkg/info/[package name here].control | grep Maintainer

If you can see any e-mail address ending with, the given package is maintained by the Turris Team or possibly by some other team in our organization (see above). Otherwise it is managed by the upstream.

How to contribute to OpenWrt⚓︎

OpenWrt uses GitHub for its code repository, issues and other things. First you can read how to help/contribute, report bugs a submit patches.