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Submitting pull requests⚓︎

If you have created a bug fix or an improvement for our software, you can create a pull request (or a merge request in GitLab’s terminology). We will review your code and possibly incorporate it into our code (if it will comply with our code guidelines and if we find it useful).


Please follow our rules for creating git commits.

Before merging, we may ask you to do some modifications or do such changes ourselves. We may also request an explanation of the used methods, programming techniques, algorithms, etc.


Whatever way you choose, we welcome your contributions. If you don’t feel prepared to work on our code, please create an issue about your topic.

All of our projects are maintained in our GitLab instance. For external users, it is not possible to create repositories there and thus forks. The pull requests have to be submitted through other means.

By GitHub⚓︎

All our public repositories are mirrored to GitHub. If you have an account on GitHub, you can use it to fork one of our projects hosted on this server and create a pull request there.

Using any public git repository hosting⚓︎

If you don’t have and don’t want to create an account on the above described servers but have write access to any publicly available git server you can utilize this way. Simply clone the project you want to improve, do your changes and push your commits to that server. Then send us the URL where your branch is located.

Through patches⚓︎

If you can’t use any of the previous ways, there is still an older, patch-based way how to contribute. You can utilize locally installed git for patch preparation, but it’s not necessary to use it. Whichever method you use, please send the resulting patch(es) by e-mail to

With git⚓︎

git can significantly simplify creating patches. You can work with it as usual, i.e., create branches, commit changes, etc. When done, prepare your patch using git.

To create a patch containing changes between a specific commit and the current revision (HEAD) you can use a command like the following one:

git diff COMMIT > bugfix.patch

If you want to use a specific commit instead of HEAD you can execute a command like this:

git diff COMMIT1 COMMIT2 > bugfix.patch


See man git-diff for more information about creating patches.

git can also send your patch without manual work to your e-mail client. See the documentation for more information.

Without git (legacy way)⚓︎

Patches can be prepared without git too. The only tool which you need is diff. Before you start making your changes, create a backup of the original file like this:


After modification you can create a patch using this command:

diff -Naur >