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Turris project coding style⚓︎

All code accepted to the Turris project must have convenient quality. The base directions are described on this page. Please read and follow them carefully.

General rules⚓︎

  • Write readable and well-structured code.
  • Simple is better than complex, explicit is better than implicit etc. – see The Zen of Python.
  • Use accurate names for classes, variables, constants, functions/methods, modules etc. For example, read_file is better than slurp or upload_url is better than u.
  • Use short functions/methods which does exactly their names say.
  • Try to keep your code self-explaining instead of adding comments.
  • Needless or bad comment is worse than no comment.

Please read Clean Code by Robert C. Martin for more inspiration.



Linux Kernel coding style⚓︎

Please use the Linux Kernel coding style with these exceptions:

  • Tabs for indentations use only 4 characters.
  • Comments are separated only by 1 character.
  • Typecasts has no space after.
  • Opening curly brackets are on the same lines as function names.
  • Statements inside of switch are indented by one tab.

Other rules⚓︎

  • Use GCC and autotools for building.
  • Your code must pass through cppcheck a gcc without warnings.
  • Keep in mind descriptiveness of the langugage; e.g. char and int8_t are identical for compilers but not for human readers.
  • One line should have only one effect. The only exceptions are operators like ++ and --, function arguments and loop conditions.
  • Don’t use side effects as primary usage.
  • Prefer memory allocation over dereference over type specifications.
  • Local macros are better than code copying.
  • Constants should be defined at the beginning of files or in separate file and not deep in code.
  • All macros must be safe (use brackets).
  • Variable scopes should be as small as possible.
  • Header files should include only files necessary for interpretations of types used inside these headers.
  • Use of __attributes__ is possible and encouraged.
  • Write tests and use them with check.


  • Follow the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide.
  • Use React for implementing user interfaces.
  • Check your code by ESLint and add airbnb (and airbnb/hooks for React hooks) rules to .eslinterc.js (use extends).
  • Write tests and use them with JEST.
  • Use webpack for bundling.

Rules for git commits⚓︎

  • Each commit should contain exactly one change (bug fix, new feature…). Don’t combine multiple changes in one commit and don’t split one change to multiple commits.
  • Commit messages should be self-explaining, unambiguous and understandable. For example, “Organize GUI buttons in grid” is better than “Improve GUI layout”.
  • Use imperative instead of indicative. For example, “Add animated progress indicator” is better than “Animated progress indicator added”.
  • In modularized code, prepend module names, e.g. “net/ntpclient: Fix hotplugging crashes”.
  • Keep commit messages short. If you really need to explain something you can use additional lines for more detailed information.