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Morce - IDS integration⚓︎

What is Morce?⚓︎

Morce is a simple integration of IDS into Turris OS. It is intended to help you discover suspicious behaviour on your local network. Currently there is almost no integration into the reForis user interface.


Morce is currently just a plugin and integration of Snort3. It contains an init script that handles downloading and integration of publicly available community rule sets from Snort and Emerging threads as well as appropriately starting Snort itself.

The plugin that is used with snorts handles notification about discovered threats. Whenever one of the enabled rules is triggered, the event is stored in a database for future use and a notification is sent to the admin of the router via Turris notification system. If you set it up, you will receive the notification via e-mail, otherwise you will get it in the reForis user interface.


You can set various options in the UCI configuration file in /etc/config/morce. The default one looks as follows.

# Notification options
config config 'notify'
    # Allows you to disable notifications
    ## option enabled '0'

    # Allows you to override the notification command
    # Notification is added as a last argument
    ## option command 'create_notification -s error'

config config 'setup'
    # Database for live data
    ## option live_database '/var/run/morce/morce-alerts.sqlite'
    # Database for cold and persistent data
    ## option cold_database '/srv/morce-alerts.sqlite'
    # Interface to listen on
    ## option interface 'br-lan'

config config 'et'
    # Specify which ruleset you want to use, the default is all bellow enabled
    ## list rules "activex"
    ## list rules "attack_response"
    ## list rules "botcc"
    ## list rules "compromised"
    ## list rules "current_events"
    ## list rules "dos"
    ## list rules "dshield"
    ## list rules "exploit"
    ## list rules "malware"
    ## list rules "mobile_malware"
    ## list rules "trojan"
    ## list rules "worm"


In the notification section, you can disable notifications or change the command that is run to notify you about the recognized incident. You can use any command available in your system with as many options as you like, at the end as a last argument the notification message will be appended.


In the setup section you can alter various aspects of how is everything run. You can decide where to store hot/cold databases. The hot one contains raw events, while the cold one aggregates multiple events of the same type to save space and to be easier to browse. Apart from that, you can select the interface to monitor for threats.


This is only applicable to the Emerging Threats ruleset. This ruleset is divided into various categories named in the configuration file. You can alter the default selection and enable more or enable just a few you need. If there is no list selected, the default selection of the list is used. If you enable at least one ruleset, the rulesets in configuration file are used and no more.

Default rulesets:

  • activex
  • attack_response
  • botcc
  • compromised
  • current_events
  • dos
  • dshield
  • exploit
  • malware
  • mobile_malware
  • trojan
  • worm