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Add-ons are specific accessory that can extend functionality of Turris MOX but compared to the modules is not connected via MOXTET bus and doesn’t change the size of the boxed device.

Wi-Fi (mPCIe)⚓︎

The MOX Wi-Fi add-on (mPCIe) is significantly faster than SDIO and is the recommended Wi-Fi card for modules B (Extension) and G (Super Extension). It was tested with the device and is guaranteed to work correctly.

Wi-Fi add-on (mPCIe)

It contains Compex WLE900VX card, internal FLEX antenna, gain 2 dBi for 2.4 GHz / 3 dBi for 5 GHz, chipset QCA 9880, transfer speed 5 GHz up to 1.3 Gbps / 2.4 GHz up to 450 Mbps.


PoE add-on

The MOX PoE add-on can be used to provide power to the Turris MOX router over Ethernet without having to use a separate power cable. It connects to the MOX A (Basic) module which is part of all MOX sets. It is compliant with IEEE standards 802.3at and 802.3af and recommended maximum load is 15W.

Wi-Fi 6 add-on⚓︎

The Wi-Fi 6 add-on kit contains a miniPCI-e card Mediatek MT7915DAN which allows dual-band concurrent connectivity for both 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz using the Wi-Fi 6 standard. It can be connected either to B (Extension) or G (Super Extension).

Wi-Fi 6 add-on



You can find below kits on some retail sites, but the hardware is currently unsupported.

Wi-Fi (SDIO)⚓︎


Due to limitations of the firmware, it is possible to create only 4 SSIDs and have a maximum of 8 concurrent clients connected to them. It does not support WPA-3 encryption.

If you add the MOX Wi-Fi add-on (SDIO) to your MOX Start set, you will get a Wi-Fi router with Bluetooth support.

Wi-Fi add-on (SDIO)

It contains AzureWave AW-CM276NF, internal FLEX antenna, gain 2 dBi for 2.4 GHz / 3 dBi for 5 GHz, chipset Marvell 88W8997, Bluetooth 4.2 with BLE support, transfer speeds 5 GHz up to 866 Mbps / 2.4 GHz up to 300 Mbps. It does not support 802.1x.